A Private Practitioner’s Guide to Survival…What You Need to Know About Your Business – A Special COVID-19 Edition


John V. Guiliana, DPM, MS – Executive VP of Nemo Health

Rem Jackson – President, CEO Top Practices



According to most doctors, patient volume is down about 40% to 75%, of course this varies by region.  This hour-long video provides a lot of information about Practice Management and Marketing during the Pandemic.  They provide specific examples of what you can do now so your practice will more efficient on the other side of this unprecedented time.

“Don’t Panic and use your time wisely… this time will pass in the blink of an eye, even though right now it may not feel like it.”

Here are some things they suggest to focus on:

  • BE PRODUCTIVE – Work on your practice while you have time
    • Understand your fixed operating expenses
    • Review you non-essential costs
      • “What can you eliminate now, that will not have an adverse effect on your practice 6 months from now.”
  • Learn about AID RELIEF through the CARE ACT
    • 2.2 Trillion Dollars in relief, most likely will be more before it is all said and done.
    • Unofficial GUIDE to the CARES ACT
  • Telemedicine
    • Expanded to allow Providers Ordinary Evaluation and Management Codes
      • 99201 -> 99214 – Simple Codes
      • 02 = Place of Service
      • CMS – No modifiers required
      • Private Payers may require GT Modifiers or 95 Modifier
      • CMS has loosened HIPPA for now
        • FACETIME/ZOOM/SKYPE all allowed
  • Prepare for Pent Up Demand by:
    • Get caught up on Charting
    • Dig into your Accounts Receivable
    • Review your Processes
      • Are you being efficient?  What can you outsource?
      • What technology can you ad?
    • Review Clinical Protocols and optimize them with your partners
      • Look at ways to Improve your PVR (Per Visit Revenue)

“Everything is mindset. Maintain a routine and work on creative and strategic things.”

  • MARKETING – Continue to Market, patients need to hear from YOU!  Are you available for Essential Care?  Let them know what that means to them in terms of your services.
  • WEB – Proper COVID-19 Updates across all channels Telemedicine UpdatesReview Website and Social Platforms (FB, LinkedIn, Etc)Updates Videos
  • Referrals – Medical and Non-MedicalIf possible, contact them via email, phone, faxCreate a simple document explaining what you do to keep patients out of the ER.Sprains, FX’s, Wounds, Infections, X-rays
  • Internal Marketing – Patient Newsletter is essential – make your communications informative and remind them of your services
  • External Marketing – Evaluate and understand your options